
Computer Science: A Programmer’s Perspective


1. A Tour of Computer Systems

Abstractions in Computer Systems Some abstract conception in CS

Hardware Organization of a System

  1. two continuous call may not adjacent
  2. word: per word, 32bit-machine -> 4Byte, 64bit-machine -> 8Byte
  3. Program Counter
  4. Register File(寄存器)
  5. Algorithm/Logical Unit
  6. Main Memory(主存)
  7. Bus(总线)
  8. I/O devices hardware overview input by keyboard input execution execution output through graphic output{:height=“50%” width=“50%“}
  9. large -> slow and cheap,
    small -> fast and cost
    memory overview{:height=“50%” width=“50%“}

How to dramatically improve computer performance

Amdahl’s law s = 1 / ((1 - a) + a / k)
which indicate we need to work a lot if we want to improve computer’s performance.

  1. Multi-core Processor(多核) : every CPU core has its L1 cache and L2 cache, all the cores share L3 cache.

  2. Hyperthreading(超线程) : Instruction-Level Parallelism(流水线作业) Single Instruction Multiple Data

2. Representing and Manipulating Information

Information Storage

  1. Hexadecimal: start with 0x
  2. Decimal
  3. Binary
  4. the storage of different types the storage of different types
  5. Addressing and Byte Ordering: mostly machines use Litlle Endian endian

Integer Representations

Representation of negatives

  1. Reverse Encoding(反码) : 1’ s complement: flip every single bit
    : 负数是正数二进制按位取反的结果
    shortcoming: error in representation of 0

  2. Complement Encoding(补码) : 2’ s complement: flip every single bit and plus 1 : 最高位权重取负,其余与非负数表示相同。(最高位为1并不仅仅是取负号)
    1011 = -1*2^3 + 0*2^2 + 1*2^1 + 1*2^0

  3. Bias complement(偏码) : 比较大小时类似unsigned,同位时直接比较大小,实际值为表达式值加上bias值 bias = -(2 ^ (n-1) - 1)

Integer Arithmetic

if Overflow

  1. unsigned number: if x + y > 2^w, x + y = x + y - 2^w
  2. number:
    1. positive   if x + y > 2^w, x + y = x + y - 2^(w+1)
    2. negative   if x + y < 2^w, x + y = x + y + 2^(w+1)

Floating Point

  • For normalized floats:
    Value = (−1)^Sign ∗ 2^(Exp+Bias) ∗ 1.significand(2)
  • For denormalized(exponent all 0 and significand not all 0) floats:
    Value = (−1)^Sign ∗ 2^(Exp+Bias+1) ∗ 0.significand(2)
  • Why exp need to be always 0? Cuz denorm is used to represent the numbers around 0.
  1. float (32bit = 4Byte)

    1. sign 符号位 1bit (31): (-1)^n. 0 -> p, 1 -> n.
    2. exponent 指数位 8bit (30 - 23):

    unsigned[0, 255] - bias((2 ^ (n-1) - 1) = 127)
    scope: [-126, 127] (why not [-127, 128], 0000_0000, 1111_1111 represent infinite or NaN)
    e.g. 1000_0001: (2^8 + 2^0) - 127

    1. significand 小数位 23bit (22 - 0):

      for normal float: 1 is implicit, so there is 24 bit actually
      store as big endian: e.g. 0100_0000...0000 = 2 ^ (-2)

  2. double (64bit = 8Byte)

    1. sign 1bit (63)
    2. exponent 11bit (62 - 52)
    3. significand 53bit (52 - 0)
  3. representation

    1. +0: sign = 0, e = s = 0000_0000
    2. -0: sign = 1, e = s = 0000_0000
    3. +infinity: sign = 0, e = 1111_1111, s = 0000_0000
    4. -infinity: sign = 1, e = 1111_1111, s = 0000_0000
    5. NaN(Not a Number): sign = 0/1, e = 1111_1111, s != 0
  4. transform

e.g. (10.75)10 to float

  1. represent as binary: 1010.11
  2. Write binary numbers as 1.xxxx forms of scientific records: 1.01011*10^3
  3. exponent + bias: 3+127 = 130 so the exponent bit is 1000_0010
  4. significand: 0101_1000_0000_0000_0000_000
  5. signal bit: 0, for 10.75 is positive
  6. get result: 10.75 = 0|1000_0010|0101_1000_0000_0000_0000_000